Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Escorts En Apizaco Tlaxcala

Los verbos pueden ser regulares o irregulares . Los verbos regulares son los que mantienen la raíz igual en todas las formas y toman las mismas desinencias que el verbo que les sirve de modelo de conjugación. Por ejemplo: nad aste, or nad, nad ara. They are also regular verbs that have spelling variations in the root. For example: bus c ar: bus qu é, z ca ar: ca c é.
irregular verbs are those that meet either of these requirements: they have a different root of the infinitive or take different endings of the verb model. For example: Dorm go: sleep o. Please go (front or com).
defective verbs are verbs whose conjugation lacks some ways. For example: snow, rain ...

b are written to the words that begin with the syllables bu - bur - and bus -. For example: look, voice, donkey ...; verbs ending in - bir except boil, serve and live. For example: to receive, and words ending in - stability, except mobility. For example: responsibility. B is also written with imperfect forms indicative of first conjugation verbs. For example, sang, played ....

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