Monday, February 21, 2011

Genital Tattoo Galery

craft for me What is Andalusia?

Andalucía for me is our land, our people, our nature, our seas, our mountains, our artists. Andalusia for me is part of my family, Andalusia is the scenery I see every day.

Andalucía for me is the most natural community in Spain, Andalusia is a historical national Andalusians speak not a bad Castilian, but a perfect Andalusian. Andalusia to me is a perfect home with plenty of beautiful monuments like the Cathedral of Jaén.

Andalucía for me is our homeland, our wealth, our traditions, our food, our art. Andalucia has everything, has beaches, it has mountains, olive groves have, for me Andalusia is an autonomous perfect. Andalusia is the best mother to her 8 daughters, ie the 8 provinces: Jaén, Córdoba, Sevilla, Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga, Granada and Almeria. The greatest wealth of Andalusia is the Guadalquivir River, which is like the blood pulsing through your body.

I am proud to be Andalusian!

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