Sunday, February 13, 2011

Honeymoon Basket Ideas

CASTILLO, Horacio: Anchises on his shoulders

Aeneas, Anchises and Ascanius (*)
(Gian Lorenzo Bernini)
All we, as Aeneas, our father
shoulders. Weak

Moreover, its weight prevents us from walking,
but then becoming lighter, until one day
stop feeling
and warned that he is dead. Then I leave

forever in a bend in the road
and climbed onto the shoulders of our son.

Horacio Castillo
(Argentina, 1934)
Horacio Castillo was born in 1934 in Ensenada, Province Buenos Aires. He lives in La Plata. Is a fellow of the Academia Argentina de Letras, and of the Royal English Academy. Description published books (1971), Matter acre (1974), One-Eyed King (1982), Alaska (1993), Cats of the Acropolis (1998), Cendra (2000), and Music of the victim (2003). During 2005, the editorial published his poetry Cordoba Bruges complete under the title "For a little more light", including the poem Mandala, so far unpublished. His anthologies were published also by the editorial Colihue, and the National Endowment for the Arts. He translated several Greek poets, among them Callimachus, Cavafy, Elytis and Ritsos.
(*) Aeneas, Anchises and Ascanius is a statue by Gian Lorenzo Bernini between 1618 and 1619.
This is a sculpture of marble
of 220 cm high, exposed in Borghese Gallery in Rome . Belongs to baroque .
The sculpture represents
Aeneas fleeing the city of Troy carrying his elderly father Anchises on his shoulders, and his son Ascanio bearing the sacred fire in the hearth, while Anchises holds the gods of the household ( penates ). Bernini, who was 21 when he made this work, still felt the influence of his father, Pietro , with its tower-shaped compositions of the late own XVI century. Many experts believe that this work is mainly from his father.

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